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Chess & Draught Piece Size Guide

Guide to matching Chess pieces to chequerboard square sizes

Please note this is only a very approximate guide using some of the common sizes of our chequerboards and chess pieces. We are using the height of the King as a guide to how big the base is usually (approx 45% of the King's height), whereby what size square you would need on your chequerboard / chessboard and vice versa. The size of the squares of the chessboard should be approximately 1¼ to 1⅓ times the diameter of the base of the king.

Of course all this is subjective and the bottom line is that it up to the individual person's preference.

< means slightly smaller than
> means slightly larger than

Rough Guide to Piece Sizes vs. Chequerboard Square Sizes
Chequerboard Square (Metric) 36mm 40mm 44mm 47mm 51mm 54mm 58mm 62mm 65mm
Chess Piece King Height (Metric) 64mm 70mm 76mm 83mm 89mm 95mm 102mm 108mm 114mm

Chequerboard Square (Imperial) <1½" >1½" 1¾" >1¾" 2" >2" 2¼" 2½" >2½"
Chess Piece King Height (Imperial) <2½" 2¾" 3" 3¼" 3½" 3¾" 4" 4¼" 4½"


Please click chess for chess sets or chequerboards for our selection of chessboards or draughts.

Guide to matching Draught pieces to draughts board square sizes

As above only this time we're using the diameter of the draught piece as a guide.

Square Size
Draught Size
Draught Size
Draught Size
34mm - 1⅓" 24mm - <1" 22mm - <1" 26mm - 1"
38mm - 1½" 27mm - >1" 25mm - 1" 29mm - >1"
43mm - <1¾" 30mm - >1" 28mm - 1" 32mm - 1¼"
45mm - 1¾" 32mm - 1¼" 30mm - >1" 35mm - 1⅓"
47mm - >1¾" 32mm - >1¼" 31mm - >1¼" 36mm - >1½"
50mm - <2" 35mm - >1⅓" 33mm - <1⅓" 38mm - 1½"
55mm - >2" 39mm - >1½" 36mm - <1½" 41mm - >1½"
63mm - 2½" 45mm - 1¾" 41mm - >1½" 47mm - >1¾"


Please click chess for chess sets or chequerboards for our selection of chessboards or draughts.

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